12 Steps Companion - Can not find the app in the Android Market outside the US

Because of copyright restrictions on the Big Book, the 12 Steps Companion app can not be made available outside the US

12 Steps Audio - Speaker Tracks Not Streaming or Downloading

If you are having trouble streaming or downloading speaker tracks, try powering down then restarting your device or uninstall and reinstall from the Android Market.

Android Market - Download Issues

Some users have reported having difficulty finding or downloading apps on the Android Market. Google’s support for this issue is limited and is not specific to any one app. However, below are some suggestions that may help resolve this issue.

  1. Sign up for a Google Checkout account.

  1. Verify that your credit card and billing info is up-to-date in Google Checkout via a desktop computer. Many users have had difficulty updating their credit card info via their Android device.

  1. For update issues: Delete the current app and re-download the app to your device. This is free if you use the same account.

  1. Power down and restart your device.

  1. Enter “My Downloads” on your device. All of the applications that are currently installed or have been purchased through Android Market will be listed. You may then reattempt the download.

  1. Go to Settings then Applications, check Unknown Sources

  1. The 12 Steps Companion app is only available to US customers. Users outside the US will not be able to download this app.

  1. For additional Android support, visit Android Market Help

  1. And, of course, you can always contact us for additional help.

Android Market - App won’t open or is no longer linked after update

A common issue with some updates in the Android Market is that the link between the app and the Android Market disconnects. Simply delete the app from your device and re-download from the Android Market. This is free if you use the same account that was used to make the original purchase.

tips & help - android apps

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